Monday, February 23, 2009
Carnival di Venice
Freakin' A! I'm so stoked!
I'm in the Italian club, so we'll be dressing up in masks and colorful costumes and parade around the school during all lunches. So, two hours of being in the hot, sweltering heat with music, pizza, and friends. It's a promo for the cultural background, improving awareness on how awesome Italy is. Yuppers! I've got my outfit and everything else set up.
I honestly can't wait. BUT! And yes, there is a very big butt in this situation. Somebody who I used to know, yet I'm slightly afraid and nervous around because I used to be infatuated with them, is also coming. Their in Italian class, and all italian classes are staying during all lunches.
And that's a negative. Because I honestly hate dealing with people. I, um...tend to avoid the ones I don't get along with.
In other news, today was alright.
One thing: I don't like Michael M. Not in the least. I want him to stop bothering me. He probably thinks we're still friends and it's okay to still talk to him, but I made it as nicely clear as possible: I don't want to be friends. EVER. His quirks annoy the shite out of me. Please, back off, dude.
I don't like it when you say everyone is a bitch.
I don't like your constant need to be weird. Combing people's knees? Seriously?
I don't like that you ALWAYS have to be talking. SILENCE is golden and does not mean people are uncomfortable, they just want peace and quiet.
I don't like your over-sensitivity. Not everyone desires to rip down your self-esteem.
I don't like you claiming you have OCD and use it as an excuse to constantly brush my hair.
And, oh yeah. I hate that you think it's okay to take my new brush to comb your greasy hair without my permission.
Stop calling me 3/4 of a girl. Last I checked, I have boobs.
We are not friends. We are not enemies. When I said I wanted to distance myself from you, I meant it.
So, help me out here: Leave me alone, or I will explode.
I tolerate you in class but this is what I'm really thinking inside my head, capisce?
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Saturday as usual....
- I learned the chords to C, D, and G and how to read notes in my guitar lesson.
- I realized that I have bipolar hair.
- I toyed with the idea of strip-teasing my cousins when I visit their home in conservative Pennsylvania.
- I ate by the shitloads.
- Got three hours of volunteer service down. 37 more to go.
Oh, Friday we had Free Sport Day again. I did the exact same thing I was doing last Friday. I honestly have nothing better to do. Brooke and the other girls are all giddy, gossiping and laying about on the court. I'm mildly hyperactive, so I like to jog around and kick the ball for a little bit. Anywho, I walked up to Coach and smiled, "Hey, coach! Wanna see a trick?" I exclaim eagerly, positioning the ball between my feet. She sat upright and studied me, "Yeah, definitely."
So, I did my world famous Rainbow and it didn't stick so well. It did go up in the air, but it went over my left side, which I didn't like. My disappointment showed though, but she was still impressed. "Are you trying out for the team?"
I shook my head and shrugged. I could tell she was analyzing me through her sunglasses, "You should. With my help, I think you could even make it. You have potential."
At this point, I was like, Whaaaa? So, I asked, "...I don't know. Think I should?"
And this is the part that shocked me. She says, "Yeah, I'm the coach for the J.V team. I'd like to see you try out next year."
I did not know that. SCORE!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Because life is already so grand
...I'm apparently, quote unquote
"Judgemental to the point that nobody wants to trust you with their secrets, and
mildly self-centered."
...I have nice taste in glasses. (Converse brand glasses in majové brown! Matches my eyes. :] )
... Psychics are total bullshit.
...Nice guys aren't so good as you always thought.
...Pete-Wentz look-alikes are really hot when tanned.
...Videogames that involve killing nazi zombies are the shiznit.
...Show me what I'm looking for- By the Carolina Liars, is my new favorite song.
...I should really start keeping a day planner.
P.S: I'm not gonna hold her psychic judging against her. She's just a very bad judge in character.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Is it...?
I mean, c'mon, it's the 21st century, so henceforth it should be allowed! I daresay! Haha.
But joking aside, it shouldn't be a big deal. Sometimes, even, the guys like it. It takes off the stress of them doing it for themselves. Yet it is so taboo to talk about. You can't just say, "Ooh, I want ask that cutie out," to one of your girl friends without them raising their brows to their hairlines and subsequently asking, "What..The...Fuck...?"
I only ask because I'm peeved off my Valentine's didn't go as I wanted it to. It was a good day-- Even though it was a Friday the 13th. Still, it went as smooth and nice as I normally would have liked it to have gone.
For starters, someone asked me if I lost weight. Why, yes! Yes I have. Isn't that funny?
The day was bettered by playing soccer outside during Free Sport Day in our Personal Fitness class. We could do whatever we wanted; hence the soccer mania. So, I was doing "rainbow" tricks, which is when you roll up the ball on the back of your leg and kick it up so that it flies over your head in a perfect arch. Which is why it's called a rainbow.
It's a really hard trick to master, don't ever think it's all in a day's work. It took me days to get it down right, and even when I did manage to kick it up, it would spiral sideways. I hated that. But now, after countless hours in my backyard tripping on wet grass, I showed off my skills to nobody in particular.
I was in an empty grass space by myself, kicking rainbows, when three seniors walked up to me in sheer amazement. "That was really cool! Could you do it again?"
Me, being my suave self, stuttered,
"W-what this? Oh, that's nothing!"
I showed off once more and it was perfect. They awed at me in full-force and asked me if I was on the girl's team. I told them I wasn't, but asked if I should be.
...They said yes.
So, that was an upper! Everything after that was fine, as well. We took two lunch periods instead of 1 because our teacher honestly didn't mind. I wound up hanging out with someone I wanted to get to know better. Which was a plus. And when we got back, I had fun talking to different people.
Oh, I went to the eye doctor. Bad vision, neat glasses!
Once I got back, I was ecstatic to see a friend responded to an e-mail I had sent some months ago.
Every nice thing happened except the one thing I really wanted: To ask out that Pete-Wentz-look-alike. I log onto Facebook and see his status is in Relationship.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
A few days ago I learned that one of my teacher's mom died. Erm, he's not my teacher, per se. But he's the teacher supporter of our GSA. (Gay-Straight Alliance), and the news completely shocked me. It shouldn't have, though, because earlier he was telling stories of how his mother had another stroke that day and how stressed he was in the whole situation.
So, one day I walk in the room, wondering where the teacher is, and Michael tells me he's in Ireland.
"Why?" I asked, and he delivers the bad news.
I have a funny view about death. Whenever I muster up the level of boredom needed to achieve a series of thought leading to death, I really really think about it. When you die, what really happens? Nobody knows. The ones that do know are "unavailable" at the moment. "Pcchhtttt- 1-800-SOULS, how may I decompose you?"
Sigh. It just bugs me how weird the whole concept of death is. It's ending the world we've known all our lives. And I don't think you get another shot. You don't "reincarnate". No more hangin'out on a Saturday Night causing a ruckus in the movie theater, no more crazy re-enactments of how our teachers peeved us off that day, no more nothing. Nada.
Why wasn't I born in the 80's? Or the 1800's, or in the Crustacea Era. Why was I born now?
Why not back then, when it was all so boring compared to how life is now? Life would have been so much simpler. And why wasn't I uglier? Or prettier? Why MY face? Why not someone else's, or maybe lead the life of a rich, spoiled brat; dictating the world in fashion the way I view it to be and draining my parent's bank accounts. Or a poor country girl. Humble and hard-working to the point of naiveness and innocence.
To how life has so many more opportunities, how we've all strived for open-minded thinking, Out of the box and all that fun stuff. Women can vote, black people aren't slaves anymore. It's all so different, arguably better, and more technological.
Was I meant to inspire, and if so, how? I want to inspire. I want to show everyone that I'm not afraid, but I am a little. Just a tinsy bit. Because if I was meant to create something, or be someone that touches the lives of others--What's to say I won't? That in some over-the-turn, inane desire to be my own person and control my own outcome gets in the way of why was I truly put here for?
But then again, what if there IS not reason for your existence?
...My head hurts.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
What it was and what it wasn't
- The worst flirting I've ever done.
- Freezing to the point of dishing out eternal damnations to my friends...
- A bad 30th impression.
- a great hug and welcome to my friend Chanti, whose finally back in school.
- An epiphany.
It Wasn't...
- My proudest moment.
- A good day.
- A heck of a lot of fun.
P.S: Sticking your finger in the ketchup and calling out, "My germs!" doesn't help the flirting situation, either...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
So, I figured I might as well...
All we did was go over some minor details and watch a movie. Which, I realized, is my new favoritest movie ever. Move over, Titanic, you've been replaced by La Vita E Bella.
It literally won 3 Oscars (Not nominated, WON) and 52 other wins. It's so romantic and funny and dramatic, le sigh. My new fantasy is to curl up on a Saturday night watching that movie with whomever I'm seriously dating at the time... sigh again.
On the other hand, My bestie is sick. She's been missing out practically the whole week because of the nasty cold front, and it's sad; Because now she can't see my rad cross-dressing skills. Try not to freak out, it's not uncommon for me to try different things. I've been sneaking into my brother's closet every morning and taking my pick of his clothes. It's pretty freaking funny-- He hasn't a clue.
I pick on my brother a lot, which is fine because he's older and grown-upper. Whenever he pisses me off, I hide something personal of his. Kind of like my twisted version of Piss and Go Seek.
It's therapeutic, I recommend it.
It was also fun when I mistook this girl for another friend this morning. She was one of the upperclassmen. I practically shoved myself into her and demanded that she hold my brush while I unzipped my jacket. She looked puzzled and when I realized she wasn't my friend, we both were a little taken aback. I apologized and she offered to hold my stuff anyways, so I let her. That opened doors for me, because we started talking and I figured that if I get in tight with the upperclassmen, I could finally sit with them and ditch my loser friends.
...Dude, joke.
Today was A-okay. Nothing special, except that it didn't go directly as planned. I think I may have just failed a test.
I'll update in a few days. 'Till then, sayonara.