Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm everything you're not.

The weather has improved!
I'm ecstatic. One gets tired of laying on the hardwood floor in a fetal position all day when thunderstorms are imminent and your TV cackles at you madly. (I was watching The Muppets.) You know what else I was watching?

Michael Jackson on the news.
Moonwalker...I am your father.

I believe it is in everybody's minds about his somewhat 'tragic' loss the other day, seemingly because he passed away right before his huge comeback! I mean, the man had a CHANCE! Move over, Britney Bitch. He had a sold-out 50 tours around the U.K, and he was completely ready to just dropkick everybody's flabbergasted faces.

Am I the only one that imagined his death in blazing glory? I'd always imagine the man keeling over in the middle of his moonwalk. Or at least in the middle of one his shows. The guy was a legend, and deserved to be remembered so! He was acquitted of the child molestation charges, and while eccentric and unbearingly pale, he changed the way music is today.
So, stop being patronizing asses and learn to face facts: He was a great entertainer, and we don't have very many with that sort of talent. R.I.P, MJ, I hope you find some semblance of peace wherever you are.

Everybody's been dying this whole damn week.
But you know what really chaps my ass about it?
Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, and now Billie Mays?
That man is an icon! Who else would yell and demand me to buy the new Oxyclean Bleach Stain Remover on every decent channel on the tube? My friend told me that she always said, "WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME, BILLIE MAYS?!"
And you know HOW he died? It is believed he knocked his head heading to Tampa, FL, in a rough landing. He complained about it, sort of rubbed his head, and walked it off. Then, the next morning, they find him unresponsive and without a pulse on his bed. Or...He could have OD'd on Oxyconti-clean. Oxyclean, I meant to say. :]

R.I.P, Oxyclean man, and Farrah!
(Next on the list...Madonna).

1 comment:

  1. 1) I didn't really understand the whole concept of the post, but it's because my head hurts and i can barely read the letters because I'm almost blind, but I'll get to it tomorrow, PERO if you said that MJ "being a kid rapist" doesn't influence your opinion about him, I totally agree. I'm so sick and tired of people accusing him of things they don't even know. They were not there, so they don't know shit of what they're talking about. So if that's what you said I'm glad. =)

    2) Who the hell is Billie Mays? o.O

    3) I hope your words turn into stone or something <--[I don't know how the saying goes :S]. DON'T PUT MADONNA ON THE DYING-CELEBRITIES LIST. That's bad! :'( I [heart] Madonna.

    4) Oh my God I [heart] the muppets too! ^-^

