Thursday, January 29, 2009

Death to the dougnuts!

I spend the entire day chewing through bags of pretzels like nobody's damn business. My coach wants me eating healthy, or in her own words, "You know you're going to die if you eat that--" She points at the mini doughnuts "--Right?"

...I set aside the dougnut and pouted.

Did you know bugels are bad for you? They contain some partially hydrogenated chemical stuff that messes up your system. Don't fall for it's finger-capping fun! It's all a trick, I tell you! A trick!

TIPS: When reading labels, watch out for these: High fructose corn syrup (Don't believe those stupid commercials, they really are bad for you. Moderation my ass), Partially hydrogenated oils, sugar, enriched anything, and salt.

If one of them's in the first four ingredients, it means it has more of the bad stuff. It orders from highest to lowest.
You better watch out, Johhny Law.


Today was a half-day, but my mom didn't know that. I got back at 12 and spent the extra two hours blowing up Nazis (Call of Duty 4) and watching Stepbrothers at my friend's house. I hung out there until it was around the time my bus would drop me off at home and then just bolted back to my house. 'Tis was an interesting afternoon...Until her granddad pooped on the party.

So, my mom totally bought the lie when I walked in (Score!), and made me clean my room. Grr. Which reminds me, I was invited to hang out with a few friends at a chinese restaurant. Captain Morgan is supposed to be there (Person I mildly obsess with for the heck of it), so I'm definitely considering it. Surprisingly enough, I don't feel like doing anything this Friday.

There's a party in The Lakes. Someone told me it was open, so I told them I was going to consider, too. Chinese resaurant, or party? Argh.

I still have all A's this semester. Biology and Italian are bordering on B's, and I don't want that. No way, jose. If I get all A's this semester, I finally get a new phone. New phone means new responsibilities and the ability to bootycall. Oooh, yeah.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm sitting next to you now!

Walking on a Dream- Empire of the sun.

It was 30 degrees outside today. I had on a tank top, a sweater over the top, and a hoodie over the sweater over the top. And I wore black tights under sweatpants. It was so fucking cold...
(The curse word is justified at this point.)

But it gives such an awesome excuse to snuggle. xD

Ah, I hugged my friend Renata this morning. I rarely see her anymore, and she is such a spunky chick. She's a great person, cross my heart. But see, sometimes there aren't great people in my life. Sometimes, just when I think a person is good, and then you get to know him/her, you realize that they're not who you thought they were.
You don't want to hurt this person because they've had it rough, and you don't want to become the next story he/she rants to somebody else about. But you just don't want to be their friend.

But I feel it's worth letting my feelings be known.

"It's been fun. It's been real. It just hasn't been real fun..."
I'm Sorry.

In other news, I was sort of bummed during third and fourth period. But then, the greatest (Well, it was pretty funny to me) thing happened. These two girls literally had a smackdown right outside my math class. It was epic!
The security guards were trying to pry them off each other, but they just kept going at it. They were beating at each other like the beyotch had killed their mother. It was pretty dramatic.

But later, a girl that was friends with both of them was sobbing in her desk. Surprisingly, she cheered up pretty fast. Everybody wanted to know what happened, and the more they talked to her, the calmer she got. It's a new semester, so I have new classes. And to me, the math class is relatively new. So, I got brownie points for making acquaintence with her. She saw me doodling in my graph notebook, "Wow, that is so great! How long have you been drawing?"
"4 years." *Big cheesy smile* And so on...

Highlight Of The Day

But that wasn't the highlight of my day. HOLY CRACKERS! My bus driver is constipated. Well, he must be! That complete scuzwad deserted us and mixed us with this other bus. Since the amount of kids our old bus took was relatively small, they integrated us into another route bus to save money. Those idiots miscalculated, though, because the bus was so full that there were 3 to a seat of two people. It was grossly crowded.
Thankfully, I was early, even though I didn't know it was going to fill up like that. This guy that I met in my art class last semester mounted the bus, and in recognition, our faces lit up and we exchanged happy hello's. He's really amazing (And he looks like Pete Wentz). Immediately, he said, "I'm sitting next to you now!"
And I happily scooched over. He's a sophomore. *Smiles* So, we got to talking. He has a fun, outgoing personality, and I noticed that last semester, but I never really talked to him that much, unfortunately. I was swooning like a lovestruck teenager.

By the time we were laughing about his needle encounter, a ginormous amount of people occupied the bus. My close friend Chanti glances around in bewilderment, looks at me, and yells, "Tai, I'm sitting in your lap!"
So, Armando (Or Pete, as we'll call him), got up and let Chanti slide over to my lap. She got comfortable really fast, because my leg was numb by the end of the bus ride. Still, it was a hella rad ride. Us three we're joking and mucking about, haha. (Mostly poking fun at the lesbianism of it all. Haha, Chanti and I pretended to make-out, and some kid asked us if we we're scissoring. I told him, "Goddammit, No! We're fingering."
I made plans with Chanti for tomorrow to play video games at her house, then eat at TGIF Friday's and hit up the movies afterwards. A total girls night out. But I might just invite Armando to tag along. ;]

Ah, on a sidenote,
I'm really sore. We have this dykey female coach (She's a certified personal trainer, and she's kinda hot, too) who literally works us to our bones. She's not a P.E teacher, she's a Personal Fitness coach. There's a difference. She tells us what to eat and how to be healthy, and it's an actual class. And three days out of the week, we dress out and do push-ups, sit-ups, jogging, and all that fun stuff.

Still, she's hot. It's worth it.

ANND, that was my Thursday. =D
(P.S: G'bye Bush and Dick, helloooo Barack!)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tai's Justified Math Survival Guide

((15 things to do while bored in Math class:))

1. Secretly name all of your teacher's body parts. Talk about them.
2. Name your pen, Mr.Pen. Cry whenever it commits suicide. (Falls off the desk.)
3. Run up to all your classmates, all hot and flustered, and frantically demand to know whether they studied for the test. Watch them freak out. (Optional: The truth.)
4. Buy a spray-bottle of windex and dump the contents, then refill with blue gatorade. Announce that you're thirsty in the middle of the lesson and spray furiously into your mouth.
5. Start a grind line. In the middle of the hallway.
6. Cause your eyes to twitch in a spazz whenever a friend insist on relaying a humorous story.
7. Pray for your friends lost sould regularly. Right to their faces. Don't be afraid to do it in public, either.
8. Smack your friend. Claim it was an involuntary muscle spasm.
9. Immediately lick every hand-out the teacher passes.
10. Become majorly claustrophobic. If anybody touches you, yell, "Bad touch, bad toouuch!" Then spazz periodically.
11. See if you can work in Brittney Spears in all of your conversations.
12. Whenever your friends are happy, console them with comforting words.
13. When anybody asks you for a favor, always reply with, 'Would you like fries with that?"
14. Stroke the person in front of you's neck and purr softly.
15. Always wait four seconds before replying to anybody. It's sure to drive them nuts.
Warning: Following these may cause fatal inflation of your pelvis. Not recommended for pregnant chongas. Ask your dentist if these are right for you. Side-effects may include sudden cool behavior and growth of a third boob.

Disclaimer: I don't own all of these. A few are from the internet.

I would like to start a prayer for this day...

...Because this is how it went....

I'm kind of in a mental haywire right now-- Math assassinated me.

I wound up taking Art and Math Finals today, which wasn't as hard as I thought. Art, anyways. During art, I gave farewell hugs to everybody, and we all had a somewhat nostalgic moment. It's been half a year, but it's been really cool getting to know these people. This year is zooming faster than I want it to. Aw... :[

Still, Math turned out to be incredibly annoying.
I hate my math teacher.

You hear this all the time, but listen to me when I say: I.HATE.MY.MATH.TEACHER

He's an incredibly self-centered, boisterous, southern hick with leering gray eyes. And he has a pot belly. It's the most hilarious thing.

He turns sideways (With his gut hanging out)and I go, 'Jiggly puff, jiggly puff!"

Ah. In other news, his test was hard. 80 questions, multiple choice. Needless to say, I didn't finish on time, so I stayed after class for a little longer. Since Math was the last final I had to take, I handed in my paper and rushed out of there like hell hath it coming. Of course, I missed my bus.

Luckily though, Daniela and Karina (Twins), were hanging around, wasting time until they had to walk home. They have a huge house in one of the more pricey areas of the city. Once, I even jumped into their pool with 3 other girls at their double sweet 15 party with all my clothes on. Taking a chance, I opted to walk with them back to their gigantor house and stay for a little while-- Until one of the 'rents picked me up.

It was such a great day for a walk, too. It's about a mile to their house from the High School and it was deliciously cold outside, for Florida anyways. 59 degrees here is like -20 degrees in North Carolina.
Breanna and Jarsi tagged along, and we were just goofing around. Jarsi is the insane fun guy that you want around in a party. He runs up in the middle of the street all the time (In his best John Lennon rocker outfit ensemble) and pops his booty at the incoming traffic.
Meanwhile, Daniela's yelling, "Jarsi, I swear to god I'm going to pop acid up your ass!"

Karina rolls her eyes, and Breanna joins Jarsi. All this time, I'm just dying in the corner from laughter.

That was kickass. I stayed at her house for about an hour, gagging on whipped cream (I kept trying to laugh with the whipped cream in my mouth, and I ended up breathing whipped cream, which made me cough and gag...) and talking outside by the pool.

I really needed a pick-me-up.

So that is why I thank you, lord, for twins.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Something about the stale air...

It was one of those mornings where you can't seem to get yourself up at the time you set the alarm clock for.
I set it for 5:15 AM (I take the bus at 6:30, and really can't afford to miss it. Everything kind of plummets to hell when I do.) I wound up raising myself from the bed like a mummified zombie-- with my arms fully stretched out and moaning like a madman-- at 5:45. By then, my spiderman sense was tingling and I sensed some serious trouble. Gettting to school is an adventure.

Especially when breakfast is recommended (Finals), and your mom pulls out that timewatch from like 5th grade (Which you "misplaced" two years ago at a benefit concert for your church), then she decides to, oh I don't know, TIME you? And it that's not weird, you pull up at school and there's this thick fog everywhere. That's insane. You can't even see two feet away from you. You meet up with your friends and they're all busy "studying".

Gah! Gah in your peanut brittle. Finals stresses everybody out. You know those lame tax collector commericals? The ones where at the end, someone proudly boasts, " Because...I got people." And you kind of imagine them popping their collar like they're all that.
The commercial featured a setting in a regular office with a bunch of balding republicans stressing out about their taxes, and occasionally pulling at yet another tuft of hair.

Then they all gang up around this one person with perfect hair, their eyes wide and disillusioned, "Why aren't you ripping your hair off like the rest of us?!"

Me: "Because I got...A life."

The new semester brings new classes and people, which brings forth new pressure.

I've got Biology. Sounds like a drag. But we get to cut up frogs and gag as their intestines spew by the wayside. Our protective goggles would fog up and our eyes would roll to the back of our heads as we faint oh-so-dramatically. Isn't that dandy?

I'd like to slap a geek label in his soup can.
But first impressions are actually crucial. I'm pretty laidback and talkative, I don't think I'll really have a problem getting people to see that. Although, I'm considering cutting off the umbilical cord on my social life. I went to an ex's party on Friday and had the singularly worst hangover I ever had on Saturday. The only thing I can remember is my gay friend sobbing because there was no more alcohol (he was wasted), and then he grabs the mike from the DJ, "Guyyyysss, there's no more alcohol!"
I remember dancing a little bit, then I remember the toilet very well. When you're drunk, you laugh at everything. Even at the fact that you just puked in your new jacket.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Let's get one thing straight. I'm not.

I'M hooked on canvas shoes.

I own quite a collection-- Being a Converse junkie such as myself, it's practically a requirement. You just can't stop at one pair. Ever heard of Converse Down Syndrome? ...Me neither, but I've got it. I actually bought myself a new pair at Journey's for my birthday. They're good-looking shoes and are simply smashing with the right hoodie, but sheesh! They're the least practical shoes in existence! You can't walk a mile without getting a bloody sore from it, AND don't even get me started on how complicated it is to lace them!

Well, something had to give, right?


I'm mentioning my love for shoes BECAUSE I'm working on a head-to-toe make-over for myself. I woke up with the sudden urge to dance as if the world was my stage, and I was the spotlight of the show. I woke up with the urge to act. xD

I think I can make it big. And then, in the future, I'll be on some high school news paper that reveals me at the epitome of my career and success, and in the commentaries below it would state:
Famour A-lister actress Tai Yang (above) did not make her middle school play, yet she overcame these obstacles and now has three golden globe awards and an Oscar for best actress of the year.

That would be epic! And it wouldn't take much to look the part, either.
Losing a bit of weight? Easy peasy.
Highlighting and cutting my hair? Consider it done.
Waxing my eyebrows? Pffttt, chyeah.

Anything else would just be overkill. Nobody wants to be a barbie replica, complete with matching Ken doll and superficial standards of beauty that seems to delight the anorexic all across the globe.

Gah! What I would give for 10,000 dollars and a day at the mall. But before all of that, I figured I might as well finish up my education. I'd like to go to Art School in NYU and graduate with a Masters Degree, and then pursue an acting career. I wouldn't change anything about my personality. I've never been much for fitting in-- I like standing out. Much more roomier, I think. Gives a person breathing space rather than trying to squeeze yourself into a narrow way of thinking.

Maybe I can land a role as a tomboy-ish lesbian hearthrob. A series for a mature audience, since I wouldn't mind going for a sex scene. Then, I'd work in other eccentric films for the Sundance Film Festival and star in movies that hits the big screen. Indie movies like Juno and Nick and Norah's catch my interest the most :]

At age 25, I would retire and just roam the world. Go backpacking through Europe, surf by the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, travel and get to know India and it's culture, spend a year getting in touch with my Asian roots, and return back to America after 5 years. I'd become an advocate for Gay Rights, donate 1/5 of my income to charities every year, and adopt a kid.
And after all that is over, I'd use my degree to get a job as an Animator in the Nickelodeon Head Studios and live in The Big Apple.

As for marriage, I'll let those pieces fall where they may. ;]

Dare to dream.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Keep it on the Down Low

...But I'm supposed to be studying for finals right about now. :/

Learned (this)


I visited New York not too long ago, desperate for a taste of adventure in the Big Apple.
Anyways, if you're ever driving by past the towering sky-scrapers around sunset and manage
to catch a glimpse of the glistening sun dipping into the earth in between sets of concrete
buildings, remember the phrase: Skylight Avenue.
It took my breath away, and I know I'm destined to end up
in New York.


Live and let
In a really twisted way, I actually think I'm special. I really do.

My name is Tai.
I like pie.
I wish to fly
And if you don't reply
I will cry.
Did I get the rhyming thing out of your system yet?


Well, in layman's terms, I'm just a kid:
I fall in love; I get my heart
I travel to the ends of the earth just to find myself;
Doodling is an art;
I'm a devoted people-watcher;
I always picture them with better
I have dreams; I have nightmares;
A lot of friends; Few close friends;
The skill to lie; The ability to roll with the punches;
A prankster; A hopeless romantic;
Surprises fill my daily planner;
I'm just a face;
I'm an aspiring world traveler;
Aspiring actress;
Aspiring cartoonist;
And aspiring "perfect" friend,
Just wait.
I'll inspire one day."
- Jacqueline Anders
Cheers, mate. :]