Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tai's Justified Math Survival Guide

((15 things to do while bored in Math class:))

1. Secretly name all of your teacher's body parts. Talk about them.
2. Name your pen, Mr.Pen. Cry whenever it commits suicide. (Falls off the desk.)
3. Run up to all your classmates, all hot and flustered, and frantically demand to know whether they studied for the test. Watch them freak out. (Optional: The truth.)
4. Buy a spray-bottle of windex and dump the contents, then refill with blue gatorade. Announce that you're thirsty in the middle of the lesson and spray furiously into your mouth.
5. Start a grind line. In the middle of the hallway.
6. Cause your eyes to twitch in a spazz whenever a friend insist on relaying a humorous story.
7. Pray for your friends lost sould regularly. Right to their faces. Don't be afraid to do it in public, either.
8. Smack your friend. Claim it was an involuntary muscle spasm.
9. Immediately lick every hand-out the teacher passes.
10. Become majorly claustrophobic. If anybody touches you, yell, "Bad touch, bad toouuch!" Then spazz periodically.
11. See if you can work in Brittney Spears in all of your conversations.
12. Whenever your friends are happy, console them with comforting words.
13. When anybody asks you for a favor, always reply with, 'Would you like fries with that?"
14. Stroke the person in front of you's neck and purr softly.
15. Always wait four seconds before replying to anybody. It's sure to drive them nuts.
Warning: Following these may cause fatal inflation of your pelvis. Not recommended for pregnant chongas. Ask your dentist if these are right for you. Side-effects may include sudden cool behavior and growth of a third boob.

Disclaimer: I don't own all of these. A few are from the internet.

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